What Is Club1313?
What Club1313 Is.
It's kind of like a Patreon where you are supporting content that you love, but then again, it's also so much more because of how this content creator wants to share the content creation process with you, his valued community. Your monthly subscription to Club1313 provides Mark Brickey with the resources to keep making the Disneyland For Designers podcast and Adventures In Design YouTube channel content to entertain you and keep you feeling the magic all year long.
How It’s Different.
Where Club1313 is different than your traditional content creator support platform is how Brickey values your friendship and the community that we have all started to build. Each membership level is crafted with two things in mind creating great content that supports this great community. Not only does each membership give exclusive content access to members, but each level also offers exclusive ways to have your voice heard and to allow you the space to connect with like-minded friends. If you have ever wanted to help create podcasts, YouTube videos, or have a great place to hang out with others that love the parks as you do, Club1313 is the place for you.
During These Non Normal Times.
During the global pandemic, many of our community offerings are virtual due to health restrictions and Southern California public health laws. However, when the world starts to reopen back up, Club1313 will be a great place to connect with friends in a real-world setting while enjoying the happiest places on earth.
Our Goal.
Club1313 not only allows you all the opportunity to keep the content going but a unique way to keep our community growing.
What Club1313 Is Not.
The Club1313 is in no way directly associated with the Walt Disney Company or Disneyland. Club1313 does not grant you any special access to Disneyland. Club1313 is not an event, a Disneyland tour, or an official Disney group. It is a group of friends who enjoy listening, watching, and exploring Disneyland and its many offerings, history, and magic. Any Club1313 meetings in person are just the same as friends, family, or a church group going to the park as friends for a day. Club1313 is not a service in any way; it is a community of like-minded friends casually meeting up and hanging out in no official capacity.

Join Club1313
Fun, Friendship & Magic Is All A Click Away.