Welcome To The Club

Before Your Join,
A Quick Thank You!
Welcome to the inaugural launch of Club1313. Over the next thirty days, you will begin to see this fantastic community materialize and take shape. And all doing so with your help and support. These first days are your chance to construct the type of online fan community you always wanted to be a proud member of.
For your loyalty in being a part of Club1313 original club members, anyone who signs up in the first two months will receive a free exclusive Disneyland For Designers gold enamel pin for free. The pins will be numbered on the back and will only be made this one time. Everyone who signs up starting February 3rd and is still a member on April 3rd will qualify for these free first exclusive pieces of Club1313 merchandise. Our way of saying thank you for supporting the content and community in these early days.
Pick A Membership Plan
Club1313 Member
Excited to join a community that loves Disneyland inspired content as you do? This level gives you full access to the Disneyland For Designers podcast so that you never miss a minute of the conversation. Extra access to the YouTube content and a new way to be a part of the conversation. Plus access to the Club1313 clubhouse and the opportunity to meet up once a month at everyone's favorite happiest place.
• Disneyland For Designers Podcast With Exclusive Content
• Exclusive Podcast Episodes
• Club1313 Members Only Podcast Comment Section
• Access To Club1313 Discord
• 13th Hour Podcast Edition
• 13th Hour Cohosting And Special Commenting Access
• 13th Hour After Hour Exclusive Bonus Content
• 1313 Monthly After Dark Stream Exclusive Bonus Content
• 1313 MeetUp IRL or Virtual
• Supporting The Podcast & YouTube Content
Club1313 Club Level
Do you love hanging out with like-minded folks and discussing history, design, movies, and your favorite parts of the parks? The Club Level puts you into the action with additional monthly organized hangouts both virtually and in real life. The Club Level includes extra community access over the standard member level to your club friends, whether you live near Southern California or on the other side of the globe.
• Disneyland For Designers Podcast With Exclusive Content
• Exclusive Podcast Episodes
• Club1313 Members Only Podcast Comment Section
• Access To Club1313 Discord
• 13th Hour Podcast Edition
• 13th Hour Cohosting And Special Commenting Access
• 13th Hour After Hour Exclusive Bonus Content
• 1313 Monthly After Dark Stream Exclusive Bonus Content
• 1313 MeetUp IRL or Virtual
• 26th Member Virtual Movie Meet Up Watch Along
• 26th Member IRL Downtown Diner Club
• Club Level Discord Channel
• Supporting The Podcast & YouTube Content
• Free Parking
Club1313 Founders Level
Have you ever wanted to create a park themed podcast or YouTube video? In that case, this is your chance to collaborate one on one with Mark Brickey to work directly on the content and attended quarterly meetings to help shape the Disneyland For Designers podcast's future, the Adventures In Design YouTube Channel, and Club1313 itself. The Founders act as the representative voice for the club members.
• Disneyland For Designers Podcast With Exclusive Content
• Exclusive Podcast Episodes
• Club1313 Members Only Podcast Comment Section
• Access To Club1313 Discord
• 13th Hour Podcast Edition
• 13th Hour Cohosting And Special Commenting Access
• 13th Hour After Hour Exclusive Bonus Content
• 1313 Monthly After Dark Stream Exclusive Bonus Content
• 1313 MeetUp IRL or Virtual
• 26th Member Virtual Movie Meet Up Watch Along
• 26th Member IRL Downtown Diner Club
• Club Level Discord Channel
• Quarterly Founders Zoom Meeting
• Founders Discord Channel
• QuarterlyOne On One Content Collaboration
• Production Credit On All Video Productions
• Supporting The Podcast & YouTube Content
• Free Parking
Club1313 Perks Explained
Disneyland For Designers Weekly Podcast With Exclusive Bonus Content
Disneyland For Designers became a weekly podcast once Disneyland closed on March 14th during the global pandemic. As of episode 55 of the podcast, each episode will have forty-five to an hour of free content available on most podcast platforms. To enjoy the additional thirty minutes to an hour of exclusive bonus content, you will need to be a member of the Circle of Trust of Club 1313.
Access To Club1313 Discord
The Club1313 Discord server will be the best way to stay in touch with other members, to get select members-only links to live streams and various other members access content and participation. Simply put, this is the virtual clubhouse for Club1313.
13th Hour After Hour Exclusive Bonus Content
Sometimes you just can't fit all of the weekly Disneyland news into one hour, and sometimes, you're having so much fun hanging out with your friends that you don't want to stop the conversation. The After Hour will be accessible through the Club1313 Discord, giving members a way to keep hanging out with Brickey after the live stream has ended. Here you can Zoom into the conversation and have a good time with your fellow club members.
26th Member Virtual Movie Meet Up Watch Along
Every odd number month of the year, members can meet up and do a virtual movie watch along. Giving members a chance to hang out, enjoy a movie together, and discuss the film while having fun. *Date subject to change. **Certain membership levels only.
Quarterly Founders Zoom Meeting
Every March, June, September, December, Founding Members will have a zoom conference call discussing the content of the Disneyland For Designers Podcast, Adventures In Design YouTube channel, and Club1313 membership program. These limited access meetings are a time to hear what creator Mark Brickey has learned over the last quarter, how these projects are reshaping into the next quarter and a moment to have your voice heard and vision seen.
Production Credit On All Video Productions
Founding Members will receive a producer's credit at the end of all produced videos on the Adventures In Design YouTube channel. And an executive producer single credit on the members one one content collaborations. *Does not apply to live stream videos, produced content only.
Exclusive Podcast Episodes
All Club1313 members will get exclusive podcasts and video content. Exclusive episodes are the perfect way to reward the folks like you for supporting the production of the content. Members-only episodes are also a great way to communicate with the Club1313 members about the club and its many growing events and offerings.
13th Hour Podcast Edition
The 13th Hour is a weekly live stream on YouTube that covers the week in Disneyland news. Sometimes watching a video that requires you to be stationary isn't always a convenient way to enjoy your weekly Disneyland news. Each Friday, an audio-only podcast version will be exclusively available for Club1313 members.
1313 Monthly After Dark Stream Exclusive Bonus Content
Starting March 2021, the famous 1313 streams will only run live for one hour to ninety minutes free on YouTube. To enjoy the remaining sixty-plus minutes of content or to see any replay of the streams, you will need to be a member of Club1313. The 1313 live streams are broadcast on the 13th of each month, always themed around a specific Disneyland park theme or historical event.
26th Member IRL Downtown Diner Club
Every even month of the year, members can meet up for the Club1313 Downtown Diner Club to enjoy dinner and conversation together in everyone's favorite Downtown District. *Date subject to change. **Certain membership levels only.
Founders Discord Channel
On the Founders Discord Channel, founding members can discuss the content from producers' or board members' perspectives. The Founder channel allows a level of creativity and collaboration that makes Club1313 a formed club and less of a single creators Patreon campaign. Club1313 is a community-driven platform, and the Founders act as the representative voice for the club members.
More To Come
We are only get started! With the creativity of this community and the ever-evolving technology of our time living somewhere beyond Tomorrowland. Today is where we begin our community, and the journey is always better than the final destination. Put merely, Club1313 will never be complete as long as it has members. LOL
Club1313 Members Only Podcast Comment Section
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
13th Hour Cohosting And Special Commenting Access
Through the Club1313 Discord server, you will have access to the exclusive member's comment section. This exclusive comment section will ensure that your questions are prioritized in the chat allowing your voice to be heard. And speaking of your voice being listened to, select episodes of The 13th Hour will feature Club1313 members' audio and video zoomed into the live feed from the Club1313 Discord server. These features will create a unique community conversation, rare on YouTube, illustrating that Club1313 is genuinely a real club.
1313 IRL or Virtual Meet Up
Starting March 2021, when the 1313 live stream is virtually broadcast Club1313 members will have a digital space to do a virtual meet up after the stream. When the 1313 streams are created live in the park, when Disneyland reopens, the club will meet up at the park on the 13th of each month.
Club Level Slack or Discord Channel
The Club Level Discord channel is an area for Club Level members and above to pick the movies to view, restaurants for the Downtown Diner Club, and strengthening their bond in this exclusive Discord Channel.
Quarterly One On One Content Collaboration
If you have ever wanted to create a park themed podcast or YouTube video, this is your chance to collaborate one on one with Mark Brickey to work directly on one piece of media per quarter. *Once per quarter is the opening Founders reward and is limited to a select number of Founding members. Once this availability has been depleted, this reward will be once per six months.
Make Friendships That last
There are two goals for Club1313. To keep the content going and to keep the community building. The podcasts and videos are a way to find like-minded people who love the same things in a very similar way. Club1313 is where that audience transforms into a community and where real friendships are made.

This Is Going To Be Fun!
We cant wait to meet you and have memorable moments together.